Installation Banquet
To celebrate the installation of the Delta Phi Chapter at the College of Puget Sound, an installation banquet was held the evening of February 4, 1950. Nearly 300 guests attended the event which was held in the Fellowship Hall of the Tacoma Masonic Temple. The story about the installation in the Magazine of Sigma Chi describes the event “got off to a rousing start and the tempo never lagged.”
The Gallery
All images are from the Archives of the Sigma Chi Fraternity; most were published with the article “John S. McMillin’s Dream” in The Magazine of Sigma Chi, vol. 6, no. 2, pg. 34 – 39.
The Program
A program was provided to guests at the Installation Banquet to commemorate the event. Printed within were the names of brothers involved with the installation, the schedule for the evening and the names of the brothers who were initiated in to the Fraternity over the weekend.
the Photographer
Robert B. “Bob” Richards was born in Tacoma, Washington, and graduated in 1936 from the College of Puget Sound where he was a Sigma Mu Chi local member. After graduation, Richards became one of the Pacific Northwest’s top photographers. On February 4, 1950, he and 25 other Sigma Mu Chi local alumni became Sigma Chis when the Delta Phi Chapter was installed.
The Richards Studio, also known as Richards Commercial Photo Service, was the foremost commercial photographic studio in Tacoma, Washington for over 35 years between 1949 and 1974. The studio’s photographers documented the Tacoma community’s weddings, funerals, parades, business growth, school activities, and more.
Images produced by the Richards Studio can be found in the Tacoma Public Library’s photograph collection in physical and digital formats.
The Tacoma Masonic Temple
The Masonic Temple, which has stood for over 90 years at 47 St Helens Avenue, is a Tacoma landmark. Groundbreaking for the Greek-styled with Egyptian-detail structure, designed by architect A.J. Russell, occurred on January 16, 1926. Construction lasted for nearly two years when the building was formally dedicated on December 1, 1927. The building has hosted countless events, including the Installation Banquet, investitures and other chapter events.